اتاق پخت-و-پز
outside the cook-room in the morning picking peas, and tapped her hand beside her in the dirt, it meant she'd set a few there for me, beside the washbasin.
But it was Phibbah who carried me to the cook-room, set me on my pallet, fetched one of the liniments she made with whiskey stolen from Langton's drinks cabinet.
The old great house, busha's house, the cook-room, the granary, even the sugar mill, one by one.
cook-room at night to read by the light of a tallow candle I made myself, beef tallow moulded in an old pewter bowl.
Next morning, Langton paid a visit to the cook-room, lifted the lid on the hominy, peered in.
واژگان شبکه مترجمین ایران